Apart from Netflix, here are some helpful things I’ve picked up along the way.
It’s tough out there friends. But we’ve always got cat videos on YouTube!
Here’s my top 5 in pictures & waffly chat.
I started running late last year, as much as I still fking hate it, I don’t half get a rush of endorphins afterwards. There’s debate whether it’s endorphins (the happy hormone) or cannabinoids (self-produced chemicals similar to those found in marijuana). Either way, it’s a goooooood feelin’. So get high on your own supply! This is coming from a lazy-girl-extreme who couldn’t run for longer than 30 seconds!
Give it a go! You won’t regret it!
Ok, I know this one is pretty impossible at the moment! But try to filter the news that you receive. I don’t know about you, but if I’ve spent any time on Twitter I end up with a headache from all the frowning. So that’s not where I go, unless it’s someone sending me cat videos then I’ll head over for a lil bit.
Yes, cats cats and more cats have got me through some of the worst times of my life! But if cats are not your bag, the YouTube will definitely have something soothing for you. Dogs?
Sometimes, you are just hungry/thirsty!! Did you know dehydration can be a contributingfactor to depression and anxiety. Yes, I heard it on a podcast, but it totally makes sense.
Take a sip, have a snack. Then get back to what was troubling you.
Lastly but not leastly, MUSIC! I think it’s the perfect solution to every emotion.
I tend not to listen to sad music when I’m actually sad, because it doesn’t take much for my floodgates to open. But if you struggle to get the sad out then maybe it’ll press the right buttons for you.
Here’s a playlist that makes me feel some shit - CLICK
Maybe make your own emergency FEELZ playlist for yourself!
Sometimes it’s seems preferable to keep the ‘negative emotions’ inside.
But unfortunately, you need to feel your feelings - all of them - even the ones that make you feel like shit. But the shit will pass, eventually!
Acknowledging the bad bits, will help you move forward.
These are just a few things I do. I’m no expert, but I know where to find some.
Professionals in the UK -
www.samaritans.org - 24 hour phone and online chat service
www.thecalmzone.net - The Campaign Against Living Miserably (CALM) is leading a movement against suicide.
www.mentalhealth.org.uk/getting-help - The Mental Health Foundation is a charity specialising in research and policy development, with a focus on preventing mental health problems
Seek out professional help if you feel your symptoms are serious.
Big love xx Jess xx